Four Private One-to-One Transformation Sessions


Are you ready to embrace transformation?

**Are you ready to make positive changes in your life & wellbeing, effortlessly connecting to your limitless potential? 

**Deep dive, 1-1 sessions with me are exactly the support you need to make quantum shifts & step into your power. 

**This is where you get to clear out the old story and start creating a new vision for yourself. 

**I will create a tailor-made experience for you that includes specific Kundalini kriyas, breathwork sessions, meditations, re-patterning & easy to execute, but profoundly powerful daily rituals to fine-tune your body, nervous system, mind & soul. 

**Over one, or a series of sessions, I can help & support you to make lasting & positive changes so you can start living your true potential.

**These sessions are for you if you are ready to live your life as the most authentic, magnetic & high-vibrational version of you.  I'm here to help!

**Sessions are 90 minutes and take place in person or on zoom.I recommend a series of 4 sessions for supernatural shifts.  You'll be amazed at what is possible when you start believing you are worthy and deserving of what you desire! 

** 1 x 90 minute Private Transformation Session = £150
15,000 Rs
*4 x 90 minute Private Transformation Sessions = £550 (YOU SAVE £50!)55,000 Rs*

This includes ongoing support between sessions on the phone, where you can ask questions & discuss what is coming up for you. You'll be given exercises & meditations to support your growth, plus daily rituals to keep the connection & healing alive.

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