Journey to Joy
Calling all busy, high-performing, successful people, who are looking to make 2023 their most extraordinary year yet!
Imagine what life would be like if you found what you loved & made more space for that.
In this, fully supported 40-day online journey you’ll be able to learn how to create more balance, more happiness, more peace and more connection to the things that really light you up.

Wouldn’t it be incredible to:
- Have support from a coach who has YOUR best interests at heart & won’t let you fall back into the same old patterns.
- Finally crack the code of making long-lasting changes that become an enjoyable part of your daily life (no more quick fixes & fads that don’t last)
- Feel excited when you open your eyes in the morning & feel all the possibilities of the day ahead
- Ditch the New Years' Resolutions that you never stick to and the gym membership you don’t use
- Meet a group of like-minded souls in a safe and supportive space with the same goals in mind
- Stop reading all the self-help books, looking for “that one thing” that will change everything for you
- Feel comfortable with uncertainty, feeling a deep trust in yourself & the Universe
- Feel fully supported in life, more connected & present each and every day
- Be around people who are positive, inspiring & activating (because we all know that being in that energy is infectious)

If you’re the kind of person who:
- Complains & stays in the same old patterns
- Isn’t willing to try something new in order to be something new
- Will stay in a rut because it’s easy & comfortable there
- Hands the responsibility for your life over to others rather than taking radical responsibility for yourself
Then this programme may not be for you.

This is the ideal experience for people who:
- Have had enough of feeling life should be better than it is, and are ready to feel energised, motivated, balanced & healthy
- Are tired of being tired, experiencing self-doubt & overwhelm and are ready to break free of negative thought patterns
- Know that you are the sum of the people you spend your time with, so want to surround themselves with a group of inspiring, uplifting & empowering people
- Spend a large proportion of their time tending to the needs of & managing others, & are ready to put themselves first for once
- Are ready to break away from the grindstone & want to connect to a deeper level of passion & feel more free in their routines & life
- Are tired of the rat race & are ready to experience life differently. No more “same shit, different day,” & instead: “New day, new opportunities.”
Journey to Joy is all about making 2023 radically different. Let this be the year that you fall in love with yourself all over again. The year where you feel so held and supported that you know you can do anything. Journey to Joy is all about you showing up differently in all aspects of your life, using the most powerful tools, learnings, insights & knowledge from my nearly two decades of supporting high-performing individuals.
January might be over, but 2023 is just getting started. Invest in yourself and a programme that will ensure you show up for yourself this year as the happiest, healthiest, most vibrant version of YOU! With a super kit of tools to support you to bring more joy into every aspect of your life.
WARNING - Once you start your JOURNEY TO JOY you become the permission slip for others to shine bright & live in their joy too.
Your kids, colleagues, spouse, even your dog, will thank you for it!
This is the course & support I wish I had when was in a high-performing job & knew life wasn't feeling as perfect & aligned on the inside as it looked on the outside. I was close to break-down, on anti-depressants & daily medication to try and soothe my crippling anxiety. I knew I could feel more balanced, more content, more confident and more me. This course is an amalgamation of over a decade of discovery, tens of thousands of pounds & lots of trial and error.
I’ve done the hard work so you don’t have to. Journey to Joy is my unique transformation blueprint. I know it works because I’ve lived and breathed it & the results speak for themselves.
I now can’t wait to share everything I’ve learned & watch you embody what it means
to own your own joy.
My unique Journey to Joy blueprint is:

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”
- African Proverb
Start: 12th February 2023
End: 23rd March 2023
Weekly Classes: Saturdays or Sundays @ 9:00 am GMT / 2:30 pm IST
Weekly Meditations & Check Ins: Wednesday @ 1:00 pm GMT / 6:30 pm IST
Daily Support via WhatsApp

What you’ll get:
Weekly classes, workshops & meditations
My incredible 40 day guided meditation, specially formulated to connect you to you joy
A private WhatsApp group where i can answer all your questions with daily check=ins to keep you on track & accountable
A community of like-minded, supportive friends to cheerlead your growth and share your journey
Weekly coaching sessions with journal prompts for the week ahead
A workshop on Ayurvedic medicine plus a questionnaire to find out your unique dosha
An astrology workshop to discover how to align yourself with your personal manifestation powers
A candlelit mantra evening
A life wheel workbook to see what areas of your life need more attention & where you’re already thriving
An integration week to give you time to reflect & come back with any questions or insights you may have
A recording of our full moon ceremony to help you follow your bliss
My favourite & most powerful meditations, kriyas & breathwork practices to totally recalibrate you on a physical, emotional, mental & spiritual level
The daily support of a coach who will cheerlead you all the way & will stop you from falling back into your old patterns
Healthy recipes to nourish you from the inside out
So, so, so, so much more!


£777 / 77,7000 RS
£555 / 55,500 RS
£444 / 44,400 Rs
SAVE £111 / 11,100 RS
*Payment plans available*

* My meta meditation recording (IMMEDIATELY foster a mental state of kindness, love & compassion)
* My yoga nidra meditation recording - fall asleep effortlessly & stay asleep soundly
* A £100 discount on any of my yoga retreats in 2023 (cannot be used in conjunction with another special offer)
* A £25 discount voucher for Goddess Charms